This is a short video of M51 processing. A friend of mine “Rahul Ramtekar” from Dhruva Skywatchers Association asked me to process this beautiful image of M51 galaxy shot from a Dobsonian telescope.
I did not have DSS so this set of image was stacked in PixInsight, but any stacking software will do.
The image was taken by Rahul Ramtekar of Dhruva Skywatchers Group – Nagpur, while observing through the 10″ Go-To Dob at Sillari, Pench with Pravin Jat.
Canon EOS 60D + Skywatcher 10″ Synscan Dob Alt-Azimuth Tracked
20 images Stacked in DSS + Postprocessing in PS
29Sec, f/4.8, ISO 1600
19th March 2016, 4.20 AM, 21.3732455 N,78.7575318 E
Telescope Credits: Observatory, Sillari Pench Tiger Reserve